New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue
A National
No Kill German Shepherd Rescue
501c3 Charity
Established 2004
Based in
South Carolina

Giving New Beginnings To Old Friends For Over 20 Years
Who We Are...
New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue is a national 501c3 charitable German Shepherd Rescue based in South Carolina
NBSR was established in 2004 in honor of our founder's service dog who was such a wonderful German Shepherd
that he inspired her to do something to give back to this amazing breed...which led to the birth of New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue
We celebrated our 19th anniversary this year! This is quite an accomplishment for a breed specific rescue.
We could not have done it without the help of likeminded animal lovers like yourself
Although we wish that we were not needed to save dogs from high kill shelters across the country, the need is more now than ever in our history
Our mission is to continue to save our beloved breed wherever they may find themselves in harm's way, rehab and find them wonderful New Beginnings in their lives
Since NBSR is now mostly foster based, we don't have a main phone number, the one that you find on the internet is not for the rescue,
please EMAIL us and one of our wonderful volunteers will get back to you as quickly as possible
A Small Act of Kindness Can Make Such a
Difference For the Dogs Who Are
Waiting For Their
New Beginning in Life

Thank You For Saving Us...



"I looked at all the caged animals in the shelter...the cast-offs of human society. I saw in their eyes love and hope, fear and dread, sadness and betrayal.
And I was angry.
"God," I said, "this is terrible! Why don't you do something?"
God was silent for a moment and then He spoke softly.
"I have done something," He replied. "I created You"
~Jim Willis~




Thank you Brutus Bone Broth For Your Support