New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue
A National
No Kill German Shepherd Rescue
501c3 Charity
Established 2004
Based in
South Carolina

Giving New Beginnings To Old Friends For Over 20 Years

Meet the absolute sweetest little boy.......... Cooper!
He is only a little over 10 months old and has already known starvation, abuse, neglect and excruciating pain in his short life. When he was a younger pup he was either severely beaten, hit by a car, or had some form of trauma to his back legs. This sweet boy was never taken to a vet for care by his "family", so he grew this way and even though he was in immense pain the entire time, he has remained such a loving little boy.
It appears that his family simply didn't want him any longer, after he grew with such a deformity, so they dumped him deep in the countryside of Horry county, SC. Which is where he was found all alone and starving.
Animal control came across him and took him to the county shelter, where he got much needed food and water. His plea for help was sent to us at New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue and we did not hesitate to act to get him to us (Thank You Libby).
We, of course, rushed him to our vet for a full workup which included multiple X-Rays. The X-Rays clearly show the trauma and how he has grown into it. Our vet is checking with an Ortho specialist, to see what the best course of action would be from here for Cooper to have any chance at a full happy, pain free, life.
It pains us to say, but what we are able do to help Cooper will depend on you, our supporters, we need YOUR HELP to get Cooper's story out there and please donate amount is too small. All Cooper wants is to run care free and play with no pain, for the first time in his life.


Will YOU be one of Cooper's HERO'S? Someone who will get involved to make a difference in this puppy's life? Please show him that not all people are bad, some are very good, and truly do care!! If you care and would like to donate, even a dollar, please click HERE

When Cooper was about 6 months old, he suffered some sort of "blunt force trauma".
Since he was found in the countryside of Horry County, we are guessing that his owners no longer wanted a dog who had a misshapen leg and would never walk without professional intervention.....nor did they want the expense of it.
New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue was called and asked to help this very sweet boy, and we did not hesitate. Cooper went for his first visit with Dr. Austin immediately at Westbury Animal Clinic to have a full blood panel, floats, X-Rays, etc. Dr. Austin suggested that we see a Ortho specialist that she knows, who, if it was possible, would be the one who could save Cooper's back legs.
Cooper went today to his appointment with Dr. Bianucci the Ortho Specialist at Veterinary Specialty Care in Mt. Pleasant, SC. There was good news and bad news. The good news is that both rear legs are not affected as originally thought, only his right leg is involved (which is bad enough on it's own) with the "blunt force trauma" that caused Cooper's misshapen right rear leg.
He has a grade IV Lateral Patellar Luxation and Angular Limb Deformation. The Distal Femur is Bowed Laterally. It is thought that the deformation is due to trauma, and that led to Patellar Luxation. Alternatively, the Patellar Luxation may be causing the deformation. Regardless, we need to at least perform a repair on the grade IV Luxation conventionally, or with the aid of an Osteotomy/Angular Limb Correction.
The financial estimate for repair, depends upon what is required to repair and this may not be known until the actual surgery date. The conventional Patella Alone is Likely To Be $2,500 to $2,900. The Corrective Osteotomy Would be Possibly around $3,800 to $4,200.
We, At New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue, Are On Our Knees Begging For Your Compassion And Support For Cooper. Please Keep It In Your Heart That He Has Been In Pain Since He Was Just 6 Months Old, Yet He Remained Such A Sweet Loving Boy. He Deserves A Chance To Know What It's Like To Run And Play With A Family Of His Very Own, Who Will Love And Cherish Him, As He Should Be.