New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue
A National
No Kill German Shepherd Rescue
501c3 Charity
Established 2004
Based in
South Carolina

Giving New Beginnings To Old Friends For Over 20 Years


My name is Megan, I am 19 weeks old and only weigh 17 pounds. My owner decided that he didn't want me to care for me anymore, so he took me out with him one day............ I got excited and thought maybe we were going to play or on maybe an adventure was in store. Instead, he took out a funny looking thing that I had never seen before........I heard a very loud noise, then I felt something that hurt so very much and then everything was black.
When I woke up, I heard a lady say that someone shot me and then threw me into a ditch to die alone and afraid. My foster mom at New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue saw a picture of me and knew immediately that I had to get out of that shelter and to a vet and very quickly, and that's just what she did. She has a very good friend who also runs a GSD rescue in NC, close to where I was located. She called Miss Kathleen and she ran to go get me, so that she could meet a driver for NBSR.
New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue, Inc. is raising funds to help me see a very good veterinarian in Summerville, SC. I need surgery to get the bullet out of my shoulder and lots of antibiotics, anti Inflammatories and pain meds, etc.......Please help me, won't you? Thank you~Megan
If you would like to help, but don't have Paypal, our mailing address is New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue, Inc. 6461 Old State Rd. Holly Hill, SC 29059 All Donations Are Completely Tax Deductible, and SO MUCH APPRECIATED! Thank You For Giving Her A New Beginning In Her Life

We found out yesterday that the bullet is out, it went straight through and out. What they had previously seen and felt was not a bullet, it was a piece of bone that was splintered off.
She will require a surgery to have her splintering bone removed. We are so glad it was not the bullet still in there. She is soooooo sweet and gives kisses when we clean her wounds, she was also giving our vets kisses when they were exploring the wound. Who could hurt a baby with this much love to give? We have seen a LOT here at NBSR, but I must say, this is without a doubt one of the hardest on our team.
Thank you for supporting sweet little Megan and her recovery.