New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue
A National
No Kill German Shepherd Rescue
501c3 Charity
Established 2004
Based in
South Carolina

Giving New Beginnings To Old Friends For Over 20 Years
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Jillian and Her Little Family

Jillian, was a frightened young German Shepherd mother who sat huddled in the back of a cage in a high-kill shelter in Henderson, NC..............nursing her SEVEN BABIES! She lay almost on them trying to hide her precious pups from what she feared was coming next. She knew, almost instinctually, their time was up.
No one was willing to adopt a nursing mom and her pups, and the fact that Jillian was injured didn't make anyone else want to take them either. This little family had a "rescue" commit to taking them all, well.....until they found out that Jillian had boiling water thrown on her and had been badly beaten, needing emergency vet care immediately. That's when, all of a sudden, this "rescue", who had committed to her and her pups, no longer had room for HER, but were more than happy to take her puppies from her to "sell". All she and her little family could hope for now, would be a miracle......the shelter was full and their time was up! They were all to be euthanized the next morning.
New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue, Inc. in Holly Hill, SC was called and told what had happened and that she and her pups had been abandoned on the last day they had to live. Sight unseen, we were determined to save then all! But the over 600 mile trip would take at least 12 hours with normal stops and at least 11 drivers. The logistics to plan an undertaking like this were staggering, after all it's not easy to transport a nursing mother GSD and her SEVEN puppies. We worked around the clock that night, begging for help. We even posted on Pilots 'n Paws asking for help. Things did not look good in the morning light and the young mother seemed resigned to the fate of herself and her little family. But thankfully, a volunteer from the organization Pilots N Paws saw our plea for help and stepped up. His plane was based in Orangeburg, SC. He offered to fly the animals from Henderson to Orangeburg. That’s when the Orangeburg SPCA joined our mission to save them. They agreed to meet the plane along with the New Beginnings staff and transport the animals to the Orangeburg SPCA to be checked out and then NBSR would take them to Holly Hill, where we are based. It was a tremendous effort by various organizations working together........SPECIAL THANKS GOES TO: New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue, Pilots N Paws, the Orangeburg SPCA, EAA Club 1367 New Hawthorne Aviators for providing the pilot, Vance County Animal Shelter and Trish and Steve Cates of NC, we all banded together to save this very sweet mom and her new little family!!
Jillian and her babies now believe in miracles.........we always have!
We are sure that you are wondering......Jillian and ALL of her pups found wonderful fact 3 of the pups live in adjoining neighborhoods and have weekly playdates with each other